
Digital Magazine

Report Examines Development of China's Paper Industries

Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), among the leading manufacturers of paper in China, has invested in new technology as China's government forces inefficient, high-polluting paper mills to close

Awash in Chocolate

The Wonka Wondrously Whirled Waterfall Bar, converted by Printpack, Atlanta, GA, is printed in nine colors with cold seal on 48-ga PET and laminated in-line to holographic film. It uses lavenders and purples with gold accents to create a store shelf standout

ALOX Coater & CPP Film Line Debuting in Egypt

FLEX Group, and India-based manfuacturer of flexible packaging materials, will commision an aluminum oxide coater, dubbed ALOX, on Oct. 6, 2011

Blown Stretch Film Line To Boost Growth for Sigma

Sigma Stretch Film has purchased a three-layer Davis-Standard blown film line for its Shelbyville, KY, facility to support business growth. Planned for a mid-2011 installation

Update on World BOPET Market Trends

PCI Films Consulting, a leading specialist in oriented plastic film market intelligence, publishes its "World BOPET Film Market Trends Statistical Update 2011"

R&D Center Adds Coating Line

PAWCATUCK, CT | Davis-Standard has installed a seven-layer cast coextrusion film and sheet pilot line at the Pasadena, TX, Research and Technical Center

New BOPP Plant Starts Up in Egypt

NOIDA, INDIA | The UFLEX Group has commissioned its new greenfield BOPP film plant in Egypt, about 40 km from Cairo. The 8.7-m-wide, 500-mpm coextruded

Film Barrier Aids Shelf Life

NanoShield high-barrier technology can be applied to PET, OPP, BON, and PLA films used for food packaging to resist moisture and oxygen from penetrating

Exopack Recapitalizes Transactions

With the guidance and advice as co-manager and co-documentation agent of Mesirow Financial, Exopack Holding Corp., an affiliate of Sun Capital Partners, is recapitalizing its transactions

Ahlstrom To Produce Lower Grammage Papers for Labels & Flexpacks

As a global high-performance materials company, Ahlstrom Corp., says it will invest €7 million at its Stenay plant in France to produce lower grammage grades

One Sweet Delivery Option

The AirLiner, an inflatable, insulating plastic liner produced by Coldpack, San Diego, CA, offers delicate food items exceptional temperature control and protection from rough handling during shipping.

Superior Litho Offers QR Code Technology to Customers

Superior Lithographics, a leading large-format packaging printer, launched its FirstTouch all-in-one interactive packaging solution to slash the costs and complexity of marketing products to consumers by using Quick Response (QR) technology and the mobile Web

BOPP Producer Needs Nine

Videolar S.A., Manaus, Brazil, has just purchased six Atlas film slitters and three Titan secondary slitter/rewinders. This is in conjunction with three

Decreased Cooling Time for Blown Film

The Aquarex line blows film downward and uses water instead of air to quench the bubble, reportedly decreasing the cooling time by a factor of 30. The

Interpack 2011 Claimed Most Successful Ever

A total of 2,700 exhibitors from 60 countries at the recently held interpack 2011 exhibition are reported to hale the show unanimously, says sources at Messe Düsseldorf North America, as one of the most successful events

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