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Measuring Roller Hardness

Hardness is defined as a material’s resistance to indentation when a static load is applied. There are a few different methods to measure hardness. This article refers to the 2 most commonly used in the roller industry.

Read Measuring Roller Hardness

Surface Roughness of Rollers

Surface roughness plays an important role in determining surface COF (Coefficient of Friction), wear and release properties. The coefficient of friction often symbolized by the Greek letter µ, is a dimensionless scalar value which describes the ratio of the force of friction between two bodies and the force pressing them together.

Read Surface Roughness of Rollers

Specifying Precision Rollers: TIR & Taper

Tolerance requirements for rollers continue to become more stringent as quality demands for films and coatings increase. This is further driven by competitive pressures to save money on raw materials.

Read Specifying Precision Rollers: TIR & Taper

Don''t Let Web Contamination Reduce Quality

Particles and fibers originating from the environment, product or processing line can be a concern for quality and customer satisfaction.

Read: Don’t Let Web Contamination Reduce Quality

KELVA Web Cleaning for Pharma and Medical Packaging

Dust-free packaging production in pharmaceutical and medical industries is a challenging goal to achieve.

Read: KELVA Web Cleaning for Pharma and Medical Packaging

Why Web Cleaning?

Some facts about web cleaning that can make all the difference to your production.

Read: Why Web Cleaning?

Flexographic Ink Troubleshooting Guide

If you are experiencing one of these common flexographic printing challenges, we’ve assembled a series of troubleshooting problems and solutions to help you solve your specific issue. If these solutions still don’t solve the challenge, our technical service team is readily available to assist.

Read: Flexographic Ink Troubleshooting Guide

How A Full Line Up Of Coatings Can Transform Packaging

Traditionally, packaging was developed and used primarily for functional purposes, allowing for the storage, transport and protection of everyday goods while only providing a little information.

Read: How A Full Line Up Of Coatings Can Transform Packaging

The Path to Sustainable Growth


COP26, NetZero, the UN SDGs – sustainability is one of the most critical issues of our time, and even in an era in which a global pandemic has dominated news headlines and legislative agendas, sustainability has remained near the very top of the agenda in business, politics, and the media.

Read: The Path to Sustainable Growth

Methods and Design Considerations for the Application of Hot Melt Coatings
- Written by New Era Converting Machinery’s Tom Lombardo and Bob Pasquale.

As the use of hot melt coatings continues to grow and evolve so too have the operating parameters and requirements for applying these coatings. This article covers several of the coating methods currently used to apply hot melts, including a review of the typical operating parameters and conditions for each method. as well as the associated advantages or disadvantages. Additionally, we discuss the critical features that should be incorporated into the design of the application system. Though we touch upon the systems that are used to melt and deliver the hot melts to the coater, we do not cover them in any detail.

Download New Era's Hot Melt Coatings White Paper

Selecting the Proper Web Handling Equipment
-Written by New Era Converting Machinery’s Bob Pasquale

A key requirement of every web processing line is the ability to properly handle and convey the web among the various machine sections. Though much time is typically spent focusing on the unwinding, winding, coating, drying, laminating and embossing sections, typically very little time is spent on the equipment sections that are required to allow for the proper handling and conveying of the web from section to section.

This article discusses all of the equipment that is required to allow for proper handling and conveying of the web.

Download New Era’s Selecting the Proper Web Handling Equipment White Paper

Roll-2-Roll Sensor for Width Measurement and Monitoring

The Roll-2-Roll Sensor is more than just a sensor; it is a line scan camera with an integrated light source. Combined with the Roll-2-Roll Controller, the sensing system acts more like a machine vision solution but without the complexities of a typical vision system.

For the full article, please click here.

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