
Digital Magazine

Tape Converter Stands Up to Goliath with New Press

A flexo press from Bell-Mark makes a large contribution to Filmex Corporation, a smal specialty tape converter.

Drupa 2000 Celebrates Change on a Global Scale

Drupa 2000 has a new "byline"-- Print Media Trade Fair. It also has two new halls, many new features, and a new cycle. But not everything has changed.

FPA Winners Prove Again How to Do More with Less

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), Washington, DC, presented its 1999 Top Packaging Awards to seven companies for flexible packages that broke

Shorter Turnaround Time Drives Move to CTP

Founded in 1928, Steketee-Van Huis (SVH), Holland, MI, produces high-end folding cartons for customers across the US

Clean Room Environment Makes Excellence a Priority

In an aggressive effort to increase sales, the management team at Autotype Americas Inc. decided to make some bold moves that have paid off handsomely

Bringing a New Dimension to 3-D Imaged Packaging

You're at the store pondering the many choices of toothpaste. Over the years you've sampled everything from tartar control types to baking soda brands.

Converting Coverage Grows at Graphics of the Americas

Graphics of the Americas Global Printing & Converting Exposition will celebrate its silver anniversary February 4-6 at the Convention Center in Miami

Vision-Based System Wins the Battle Against Defects

The technology currently being developed and utilized by the Israeli military is among the most sophisticated in the world. The transfer of this technology

Anilox roll advancements raise the quality of flexo

New anilox roll technologies and materials have paralleled the rise of flexo, and it's no coincidence.The vast improvement in the quality of flexographic

Need and innovation are driving digital printing.

New substrates, laser die-cutting, and the increasing trend toward short runs all bode well for the future of digital printing.Peter Rigney, the publisher

A look at the status of UV/EB curing

An expert in the field assesses the current state of ultraviolet and electron beam curing.RadTech '96 North America, the fifth biennial UV/EB Processing

Something new under the sun

Chamelacolors are long-lasting, light-activated inks that can be applied in-line by conventional printing presses onto any substrate.The decades-long

Advances in prepress are making heads spin.

The technology of prepress is changing at such a dizzying pace, that converters keep up or quickly get left behind.Speaking recently at the 12th Digital

Paperbox winners honored for industry excellence

The National Assn. rewards folding cartons and rigid boxes for unique and outstanding packaging contributions.Forty rigid box and folding carton manufacturers

Paperboard industry showcases its winning ways

The Paperboard Packaging Council competition selects 80 outstanding packages from a wide field of entries.Eighty packages were honored for innovation

Sun Chemical HD Plates

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