AIMCAL & PFFC Partner in Free Encore Webinar Series
- Published: December 04, 2009

Fort Mill, SC | The Assn. of Industrial Metallizers, Coaters & Laminators (AIMCAL) partners with Paper, Film & Foil Converter (PFFC) to host an encore series of three free webinars designed to meet the diverse tension and drive needs of registrants.
December 16: What Is the Best Tension for Your Webs? Instructor David Roisum will look at drives from the customer's—i.e., your web’s—point of view in order to properly size both drive and mechanical components for the range of products being run. Also addressed are specific tension settings suited to particular conditions, quality tolerance for a drive, and when open-loop control is suitable. Other topics include: design rules of thumb for tension and exxceptions; defect based criteria for determining the best tension; and quality issues. Reserve a seat at:
December 17: What Is the Best Tension Control Strategy for My Process? Instructor Timothy J. Walker examines how most converting processes move beyond a single tension zone to multiple tensioning element, involving added motors or a brake defining an additional tension zone. Discover why each added tension zone needs to have a defined benefit and a control strategy to meet that benefit. Also learn what a tension zone is and how many are needed in a process; how and when tension is best created by speed control or torque control; why some tension zones re controlled in an open-loop mode and others by closed-loop with load cell or dancer roller feedback. Reserve a seat at:
December 18: Production of Drives. Instructor Clarence Klassen tackles the strategies for tension control into specific implementations using AC or DC drives. Understand the costs and benefits of open loop, dancer or load cell control; whether it’s best to control tension through speed or torque; which drive specifications are important in maintaining tension within a specified tolerance; and the characteristics of DC, AC, scaler, and vector drives. Also addressed are draw, torque, tension sensors; drive block diagrams; and a comparison of DC, AC, vector, and quadrant drives. Reserve a seat at: