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EDI's New Tech Center

CHIPPEWA FALLS, WI | Extrusion Dies Industries (EDI) has purchased an extensive manufacturing facility near its headquarters that will become the new EDI Technology Center, with laboratories for developing innovative die systems and for renting to processors and converters to use in product development and process testing. The facility was purchased from Quality Machine of Chippewa Walls, WI, and has 19,600 sq. ft. of space, over 90% for manufacturing.

The new facility will include R&D labs, engineering labs for characterizing flow and other properties of resins to be run in dies ordered by customers, and trial labs available for rent. The rental facilities are fully equipped process laboratories that companies can use without tying up their own equipment or using large quantities of raw materials. The companies need not be EDI customers to rent them. There are three trial labs for cast film extrusion, extrusion coating and laminating, and slot die coating. See extrusiondies.com.

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