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Avery Dennison Fasson Product Earns APR Award for Label Recycling Effort

TAMPA, FL, USA—The Association of Postconsumer Recyclers (APR) recently awarded Avery Dennison its "Partners for Change" award. According to the pressure-sensitive technology company, the award recognizes Avery Dennison's participation in, and testing of, its Fasson S2001 label adhesive products through APR's "Champions for Change" program.

The APR program honors companies "that make a significant contribution toward answering questions raised about recyclability of a bottle or a bottle variant. Under the guidelines of the 'Champions for Change,' Avery Dennison put its S2001 product through extensive, third-party testing to determine its recyclability factor for PET containers," says the co. "Results of the testing…were positive and then shared with APR members."

Says APR director Robin Cotchan, "We are pleased to recognize Avery Dennison's commitment and support of the recycling effort in their work as well as the company's leadership role in driving standards for all our members."

Avery Dennison's beverage industry manager, Chris Weir, says the company is committed to assisting the APR and its members in achieving the best possible results for the PET container industry. "This award recognizes the hard work of many people in our company and at the APR, who all are helping to create a higher standard for the recyclability of labels and adhesives on PET containers," adds Weir.

Visit Avery Dennison at averydennison.com.

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