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Fischer & Krecke Releases Its 'Revolutionizing' Print Logistics System Flexpress Motion

FAIRFIELD, NJ, USA —Fischer & Krecke reports it's now offering a new logistics system, a system the company is calling "futuristic" and "technology [that will revolutionize] print production." F&K's Flexpress Motion includes material handling hardware, robotics, software, and computer controls and is integrated with the OEM's Flexpress family of gearless sleeve-based central impression flexo presses.

Says F&K VP Kurt Flathmann, "Motion is a visionary design, a futuristic system that looks at an entire plant, including the press, as a single, unified entity and then blows away limitations that printers have taken for granted for decades."

Flathmann says F&K's R&D that went into Motion lends evidence to its comprehensive capability. "Our engineers looked beyond desiging a press and considered every practical aspect of a printing operation, every component involved in the delivery of a finished job. [Then] they integrated it all and delivered a system that complements our press speed (up to 2,000 feet per minute) and our rapid changeovers (as little as 20 minutes from one job to the next). In short, F&K's Motion [keeps the print process] moving smoothly to complete the job at hand and anticipates the requirements of the jobs in the production queue. It is the system forward-thinking printers have been anticipating," he adds.

For more information about the Flexpress Motion logistics system, contact Kurt Flathmann, F&K VP/sales manager, at 973/882-9460 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Visit Fischer & Krecke at fischer-krecke.biz.

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