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Making Waves in Fragrance Packaging: Eastman Chemical's Glass Polymer Sleeve Creates Cool Effect

KINGSPORT, TN, USA—Talk about a package that makes waves! Thanks to Eastman Chemical Company’s Glass Polymer copolyester, Parlux’s new Ocean Pacific cologne package is complete with simulated waves—literally.

According to packaging producer Risdon-AMS, the intriguing package features a textured inner glass vessel—which holds the fragrance—and is encapsulated within an outer Glass Polymer sleeve. An azure blue liquid flows between the inner vessel and outer Glass Polymer sleeve to create the wave effect, explains the company.

"This is not a typical design or molding application. Parlux turned to Risdon for [its] proven track record of molding innovation and end-to-end package system," reports Eastman. "Risdon developed the proprietary 'wave system,' which consists of clear and blue liquids, each with differing viscosities. When the package is tipped, the two liquids create the wave effect."

Explains Risdon's director of sales and marketing, closures, Jim Bigham, “The Glass Polymer was really the only material that was capable of achieving the clarity, wall thickness and chemical resistance required to produce the bottle. Parlux conducted several 'fitness for use' tests on the Glass Polymer. It tested favorably for chemical resistance to the fragrance as well as the Color Pour adhesive and wave solution," he adds.

Eastman says even at extreme wall thickness, the Glass Polymer maintained dimensional stability and clarity—a unique feature of the material. Despite sidewall thickness of around 0.100 in. and a bottom of approximately 0.180 in., the bottle cooled sink-free, and there were no additional water-cooling techniques needed, reports the material manufacturer. “With Glass Polymer, you just run and cool without any special requirements,” adds Bigham.

“And that’s an important feature when it comes to meeting this industry’s notoriously aggressive market deadlines,” notes Eastman's business market manager Suj Rawal.

In addition, the developers of this particular package say it includes a proprietary Risdon-developed edge sealer, Color Pour adhesive. "Color Pour is used to keep the Ocean Pacific inner vessel and outer sleeve together. Color Pour technology also gives the package added depth and three-dimensional color effects, while completely obscuring gate marks," explains the manufacturer.

Visit Eastman Chemical at eastman.com.

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