
Digital Magazine

Oklahoma State University Offers Web Handling Seminar

STILLWATER, OK | The Web Handling Research Center (WHRC) at Oklahoma State University announces an applications-oriented seminar on Web Handling. Fundamental principles and analytical tools will be the focus. The seminar is a professional development program of the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology.

Those who would benefit from participating include technical managers, engineers, and technologists, including those who have recently taken a position where web processing and handling are important. Participants will gain an understanding of the physical and analytical methods used in the running and handling of continuous strips of flexible material through process machines.

Major topics to be presented include measurements, tensioning, speed and tension control, web-roller traction, converting, tracking, wrinkling, and winding. Special emphasis will be given to methods underlying the transport of webs through processes without incurring material defects.  Participants will see examples of how web handling problems are studied during a tour of the extensive laboratories in Web Handling Research Center.

Seminar Speakers

Ron Lynch – Mechanical Engineer with 35 years of experience working with webs and web-based products. Mr. Lynch was also Procter & Gamble’s representative to the WHRC Industry Advisory Board from 1994 until retirement from P&G.

J.K. Good – Professor & Noble Chair, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at OSU and a member of the staff of the Web Handling Research Center. He is an internationally prominent researcher in winding mechanics and web wrinkling.  He co-authored a prominent book titled "Winding Machines:  Mechanics and Measurements."

P. Pagilla – Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University and Adjunct Professor, School of  Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at OSU, and a member of the staff of the Web Handling Research Center. He is an internationally prominent researcher in lateral dynamics and control, and longitudinal dynamics and control.


108 Wes Watkins Center (WWC)
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater Oklahoma USA

For more information or to register visit https://webhandling.okstate.edu/seminar

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