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Flexographic Technical Association to Launch New Label and Carton Pavilion at CMM 2005

NEW YORK, NY, USA—CMM (Converting Machinery/Materials) International and the Flexographic Technical Association (FTA) report the launch of a new pavilion at CMM 2005. FTA says the pavilion will provide narrow web and folding carton converter and supplier FTA members with a very cost-effective method of showcasing their products and technologies.

Dubbed “The World of Label & Carton Flexo Solutions,” the new pavilion will consist of individual 10 x 10 ft. turnkey booths built around a central FTA hospitality area. The pavilion is designed to serve as a "one-stop-shopping" oasis within the show, in which more than 25,000 buyers from around the world can experience what's and innovative in the flexo marketplace, explains FTA. This new initiative also was created to help manufacturers of narrow web presses and equipment explore the opportunities of expanding to wider web formats, adds the association.

Says FTA president Mark Cisternino, "Many of our traditional narrow web members are looking to expand into broader markets, and this new pavilion will provide them with a cost-effective way to reach several thousand new prospects and potential partners all in one place. The pavilion also allows our folding carton members to reach thousands of new buyers and network with industry colleagues," he reports.

“Independent research from past shows confirms that several thousand buyers come to CMM specifically looking to purchase narrow web and folding carton equipment," Ian Johnston, CMM International president, adds. "This research also shows less than 20 percent of these buyers attend any other trade show, therefore these exhibitors will be reaching thousands of converting and/or package printing professionals they won’t see at any other event.”

New Flexo Solutions Theater to Debut
In addition to the new pavilion, CMM and FTA have created a presentation theater across from the area, in which exhibiting FTA members can present their new products and technologies during a half-hour “Solutions Update.” The Flexo Solutions Theater will allow exhibitors to provide a brief case history or updates on how their products and technologies can help converters enhance operations. Some of these sessions will include presentations from customers that currently are using the products or technologies, says FTA and CMM.

“These ‘Solution Updates’ will be very beneficial to the buyers who are looking for specific answers to their special needs and challenges,” Cisternino explains. “Armed with this knowledge, the buyers can then visit the various booths and investigate how the products and technologies being displayed will allow them to enhance their product offering.”

For information on exhibiting in the FTA Pavilion at CMM 2005, contact Erich Herbert, director of sales, at 212/268-4160, ext. 104 , or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For additional information about the FTA, visit flexography.org. Learn more about CMM International 2005 at cmmshow.com.

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