
Digital Magazine

GASC's 2004 VUE/POINT Conference to Increase Access to Manufacturer Information via Newly Added Tabletop Exhibit

RESTON, VA, USA—Sponsor of the VUE/POINT 2004 Conference Graphic Arts Show Company (GASC) reports the upcoming venue will feature "the most comprehensive [topic list] in its 14-year history, encompassing every facet of the varied print communications industry."

GASC also says this year VUE/POINT will include a newly added tabletop display exhibit by each of the conference's sponsors. "We're offering more access to manufacturers through the tabletops and have made the sessions even more far-reaching and relevant to a wider range of attendees," explains Mike Vinocur, manager of the event.

According to its organizers, VUE/POINT offers open-forum panel discussions rather than structured seminar programs to deliver information to attendees. "[It] offers the chance to investigate the topics being discussed in an informal, no-pressure environment. It also allows participants to seek answers from those that actually have met the challenges being discussed in great detail," reports GASC. "This year, the conference will focus more on the opportunity the high-level interaction represents for attendees to gain practical, usable information from their peers and other professionals in the industry."

Those interested can learn more about VUE/POINT 2004 at vue-point.com. Visit GASC at gasc.org.

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