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Ko-Pack, Sun Chemical, and ESI Team Up to Demo Cutting-Edge Package Production

CARLSTADT, NJ, USA—Seeing is believing, so following that axiom three converting industry suppliers—Ko-Pack International, Sun Chemical, and Energy Sciences Inc. (ESI)—have partnered in setting up a demonstration facility at Sun Chemical's Daniel J. Carlick Technical Center based in Carlstadt. According to the suppliers, the center will feature a Ko-Pack 400-F CID (central impression drum) press and Energy Science's EZCure electron beam curing unit, along with Sun Chemical's WetFlex process (using UniQure energy curable liquid inks).

The companies say the new facility is configured to demonstrate how these techologies can be combined to produce cutting-edge packaging products, adding that, until the [patented WetFlex system] was introduced [last year], both inter-station dryers and overhead ovens had been required in order to dry flexo inks adequately.

Says Sun Chemical's Mike McGovern, "The integrated press set-up in Carlstadt represents a collaborative effort [among] Ko-Pack, Sun Chemical, and ESI to roll out a totally new technology that is revolutionary, not evolutionary. Our aim is to use this demonstration site to show interested packaging converters this new technology exists—[it's] real and it works."

According to Sun Chemical, prior to the development of the WetFlex technology, EB flexo inks did not exist. "[With the new center we will] demonstrate the WetFlex system is commercially viable and its use on CI presses equipped with EB curing offer an attractive alternative to current drying methods. The unique liquid ink system also is designed to peform on a variety of substrates, [and the UniQure inks] will enhance productivity by requiring thinner ink films to achieve required densities and opacities," McGovern adds.

To learn more about the demo center contact Ko-Pack's sales director Gerald Nigg at 802/872-0329; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Visit Ko-Pack at ko-pack.com. Learn more about Sun Chemical at sunchemical.com and more about ESI at ebeam.com.

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