Heat Wave
- Published: October 01, 2007, By Edited by Claudia Hine, Managing Editor
Paperboard Packaging
Sandwiches may vary in style and content, but two ingredients should be constant—good taste and simple convenience. Graphic Packaging and Kraft Foods have combined these qualities in a completely different way with Oscar Mayer Deli Creations.
Each package contains all the fixings for a delicious sandwich with fresh-baked taste—bread, generous amounts of meats and cheese plus condiments, specifically Kraft steak sauce and Grey Poupon mustard. Convenience comes from Graphic Packaging’s QuiltWave microwave receptor tray, which allows hot, restaurant-quality sandwich melts in just 60 sec.
According to John Gerstner, senior account executive at Graphic Packaging, “These sandwiches are prepared in a specially designed microwavable paperboard tray that uses our revolutionary QuiltWave active microwave packaging to heat the bread to a soft and warm consistency, while at the same time fully melting the cheese and warming the meat. Thanks to QuiltWave packaging, consumers can take a great deli sandwich from their fridge to their mouth in about one minute.”

QuiltWave active microwave packaging’s exceptional performance reportedly is due to unique laminated quilts, or pockets, which expand when exposed to microwave energy and provide close contact with the food product. “This hot surface, immediately next to the food, drives away moisture and heats the bread just right to an exceptionally fresh taste and texture, right in the microwave,” Gerstner says.
Carton Collaboration
Graphic Packaging operates four paper mills and 24 converting facilities worldwide. It provides paperboard packaging solutions to the beverage, food, and other consumer products industries.
In addition to the microwave receptor tray, the Deli Creations package uses a unique camphor-shaped outer carton. The carton is printed in seven colors plus a coating to attract consumer attention. It also features a reverse-cut score opening for easy consumer access. The tray is produced at Graphic Packaging’s plant in Wausau, WI, while the outer carton is produced at the Menasha, WI, plant.
Adds Gerstner, “Our packaging technology, together with Kraft’s proprietary dough technology, combine to give the consumer a truly upscale-tasting bread.”
Graphic Packaging | 814 Livingston Ct., Marietta, GA 30067 | 770-644-3000 | graphicpkg.com