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New Sausage Casing Technology Available

Macro Engineering & Technology and The Dow Chemical Co. have developed a Saran PVDC-based sausage casing technology that is being offered to sausage producers through Macro Engineering's proprietary PVDC casing line.

The line, which will be unveiled at the K Show in Düsseldorf, Germany, incorporates technical know-how on Saran sausage casing production from Dow, including the supply of Saran PVDC resins and color-matching support.

The standard line is capable of producing PVDC casings in calipers of 24-110 mm, which are equivalent to flat tubing of 38-172 mm wide. Typical gauges for casings are about 40µ to 50µ. Capacity of the line is estimated at 150 metric tons/yr.

Macro Engineering reports the system requires a smaller capital investment, reduces operational costs, and has a shorter learning curve compared to other single- or multilayer casing systems.

Supplier Information:
Macro Engineering & Technology, Mississauga, ON, Canada; 905/507-9000; macroeng.com
The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI; 517/636-1000; dow.com

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