Sleeve Label Awards | AWA Tributes Distinctive Contenders
- Published: April 08, 2016, By Yolanda Simonsis
DENVER, CO | AWA Alexander Watson Assoc. assigned due credit to outstanding entries of the organization's second annual AWA Sleeve Label Awards competition at its AWA International Sleeve Label Conference and Exhibition 2016 held at the Grand Hyatt Denver on March 3–4.
AWA president and CEO Corey Reardon proudly hosted the second edition of the Sleeve Label Awards, emphasizing, "These awards recognize the fast-developing industry’s outstanding achievements in stretch- and shrink-sleeve labeling and product decoration. The 2016 awards have created interest across the value chain and are a great way to promote the best-practice technology and materials suppliers, printers, and end-use applications of the sleeve labeling format."
The competition was judged by an independent panel of experts, including chairman Yolanda Simonsis, president and editorial director, YTC Media Inc.; Dr. Séamus Lafferty, president, Accraply, Inc.; Tom Hammer, product manager North America, Flint Group Narrow Web; and Will Schretzman, VP, Packaging, Verst Group Logistics. The competition presented once again a well-deserved opportunity to reward excellence in sleeve labeling and product decoration.

Best of Show
Earning the distinction of Best Sleeve Label is US-based McDowell Label for its Mad Hot Tingle Bronzer, a bottled indoor tanning product by JWOWW. Judges remarked how the label handily stole the show, including fluorescent features, that were "amazing, classy, and adventurous from the get-go. . . [offering] a real wow factor." McDowell Label used a variety of technologies, including effective use of embossed tactile features and foil, to achieve great shelf appeal that "oozed quality," according to the judges.
Heat TD Shrink Sleeve
Deserving recognition for Heat TD Shrink Sleeves is Syracuse Label & Surround Printing for brand owner Braided Oaks Spirits. An attractive label with effective icy-hot label graphics surrounds a 750-ml glass liquor bottle for Cosa Salvajé vodka, contributing to the product's singular shelf appeal among its competition. Judges commended the achievement of a quality look with depth to design and color.
Roll-fed MD Shrink Sleeve
Finally, the joint entry by Campbell Soup Co. and Printpack Inc. took the prize for best Roll-fed MD Shrink Sleeve. The judges recognized the bold move to change to a foam container and appreciated how Printpack met both the consumer need to achieve an equal level of decorative quality while using the same equipment by the brand owner in the production process.
Full details of the winners in the AWA Sleeve label Awards 2016 are available via the AWA website at: