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AF&PA Addresses New Clean Air Rules

WASHINGTON, DC | In response to new Clean Air Act rules, Donna Harman, president and CEO of the American Forest & Paper Assn. (AF&PA), said, “We support efforts to address serious health threats from air emissions. But we also believe that regulations can be crafted in a more balanced way that sustains both the environment and good jobs.”

EPA's new Boiler Maximum Achievable Control Technology (Boiler MACT) rule includes emission limits for industrial, commercial, and institutional boilers using fossil fuels and biomass approaching levels that can barely be detected.

According to AF&PA, achievement of the limits established in this rule would require installation of up to five different air pollution control devices that will conflict with other existing control requirements and could impose tens of billions of dollars in unnecessary capital costs at thousands of facilities across the country.

Robert Glowinski of the American Wood Council (AWC) adds, “If EPA were to provide more flexible approaches in the Boiler MACT rule and appropriately address the diversity of boilers, operations, sectors, and fuels, it could achieve its goal while preventing severe job losses and billions of dollars in unnecessary regulatory costs.”

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