Innovia Offers Video on Mineral Oil Migration
- Published: February 23, 2018
WIGTON, CUMBRIA, UK | Innovia Films offers a range of films said to offer up to three years of barrier to mineral oil migration. The company says this subject has received a lot of media coverage over the last few years and is a complicated topic, as there are many different opinions, tests, and data for a packaging technologist to consider. Innovia Films adds that it has received a lot of inquiries on this subject, in particular questions about the testing process. In an effort to dispel some of the mystery, the company has produced an in-depth video on the subject which explores the testing that they have conducted and the conclusions determined from the results.

In the video Neil Hudson, team leader chromatography, and Gary O’Connor, chromatography analytical leader within the R&D team at Innovia Films, cover testing methodology, choices of simulants, and additional validation tests undertaken.
Hudson says, “We have received many enquiries on the complex subject of mineral oil migration and the testing we have conducted on our films. We hope that this video provides the answers to the most commonly asked questions. It is also a great opportunity for our contacts to see what we are doing visually. Mineral oil migration remains a key topic for Innovia Films. While we will continue to dedicate extensive research in this area for the forthcoming months, myself and my colleagues remain available for discussions with food packers and the wider packaging industry.”
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