
Yolanda Simonsis is a 38-year veteran of the packaging and converting industries. She has held past editorial positions with two former publications of Delta Communications and Cahners...more

HP Makes Historical Advances in Widening the Digital Printing Spectrum

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL | In a private off-line conversation with David Leshem of HP Indigo just prior to HP Indigo's Alon Bar-Shany’s Pre-drupa webcast on March 14 at 9:00 A.M. CDT from Tel Aviv (available on-demand by clicking here), I learned some worthwhile news. While the company’s present and prospective customers will have to wait until late 2013 before they can actually purchase the company’s new web-fed HP Indigo 20000 press suited for flexible packaging applications and sheet-fed 30000 press ideal for carton manufacturing, it will be worth the wait. These presses are based on the new 10000 platform that will be featured at drupa, so you must check it out.

Why? HP Indigo makes significant strides in leading the industry in widening the capabilities of digital press technology. Specifically, this time HP Indigo has jumped the chasm that has prevented previous involvement in “mid-web” applications and wider sheet-fed carton jobs, to the tune of 30 in. wide (762 mm) for the 20000 press with a and 29.5 x 20.9 in. for the 30000 press.

Alon Bar-Shany greeted webcast attendees by stating HP Indigo has been working hard since the last drupa 2008. The company doesn’t make simply create disruptive technology, then walk forward to the next disruptive technology. Customers want more than just a new printing technology. They want everything that must support the use of these new technologies. And to HP’s amazement, despite the challenges of the economy worldwide, HP customers have actually doubled their business since 2008!

Check out HP Indigo’s news by viewing my summary here.

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