
Digital Magazine

Mamata Pouch Machine Has Many Capabilities

MONTGOMERY, IL | Mamata reports the availability of a 24-in.-wide Vega 610 servo-driven pouch machine with multiple web print registration control.

Pouch processing capabilities include the following:

• Three side seal pouches (1, 2, or 3 lanes depending on print formation)

• Zipper pouches (1 or 2 lanes) • Stand-up pouches with plowed in bottom gusset (1 web): 1 lane

• Stand-up pouches with insert bottom and zipper (2 lanes) (with print registration on gusset)

• Side gusseted pouches from single web. (Quad seal pouches)

• Side gusseted pouches with insert side gussets (without print registration on gusset)

• Can make grape/produce pouches or hot deli pouches with handle punch, V gusset in gusset and multiple hole perf. (1 lane from single web and 2 lanes with insert bottom gusset).

Company says immediate delivery is available from its demo floor.

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Mamata - Range of Converting Machines

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