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Rollprint to Produce Pouches in Cleanroom

 ADDISON, IL | Rollprint Packaging Products expects to be the first US sterile packaging manufacturer to convert pouches in a certified cleanroom environment.

The 6,000-sq-ft ISO Class 8 cleanroom, which should be fully operational in the second quarter of 2012, will be enhanced via the company’s vertical integration, meaning the rollstock from which the pouches are made is also produced at the same facility in Addison.

“We started preparing for this two years ago with investments in vision systems, web cleaners, and other equipment and procedures to minimize particulates in our film converting area,” says Dwane Hahn, Rollprint’s VP of sales and marketing. “We wanted to properly address upstream criteria before taking the next step.”

The cleanroom will house five production lines capable of producing a variety of pouch structures, including header bags, chevron, vented, three-side weld seals, corner peels, and more.

Mamata - Range of Converting Machines

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