Toray One of 'America's Healthiest Companies'
- Published: July 14, 2005, By
NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI - Toray Plastics (America) has been named one of “America's Healthiest Companies” by the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA). The organization's Gold Well Workplace award recognizes companies that have successfully built comprehensive worksite wellness initiatives and that demonstrate and capture concrete outcomes related to behavior change, cost effectiveness, and ROI.

Toray's wellness philosophy of prevention, early detection and treatment of medical problems is supported by an array of on-site good health and wellness resources and programs designed to help employees overcome two of the biggest obstacles to good self care - lack of knowledge and lack of time. The Toray wellness programs include a multi-purpose fitness center and gym staffed by professionals, yoga and aerobics classes, and weight management, smoking cessation, and stress management programs, among others. Additionally, the company provides screening services, including blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, vision, posture, hearing, and foot care.
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