Union Industries Orders Nordmeccanica Laminator
- Published: August 23, 2004, By pffc-online.com
EDGEWOOD, NY, USA—Nordmeccanica reports that Union Industries, Providence, RI, USA, has placed an order for the installation of the manufacturer's solvent-free laminator, the Super Duplex Compact SL.

According to the OEM, the Super Duplex Compact SL employs industrial PC technology, AC vector motors, and an AC vector digital drive system for production speeds to more than 1,800 fpm (600 mpm). Nordmeccanica adds this laminator, what it calls its "highest technology," can laminate a wide range of products, including polyethylene, polypropylene, polyester, aluminum foil, and paper.
Says the OEM, "This advanced machine sold into the North American market represents the benchmark of new technology, which confirms the continued strengthening of lamination into flexible packaging." Nordmeccanica adds that Union Industries will use its high-speed laminator in conjunction with its already installed ten-color flexographic printing press and pouch-production capacity.
Learn more about Union Industries at unionind.com. Visit Nordmeccanica at nordmeccanica.com.