
Digital Magazine

MacDermid ColorSpan Charts New Course

MINNEAPOLIS, MN -- MacDermid ColorSpan, Inc., recently announced it's refocusing its business operations and marketing direction to better address the

Digital Data Standard Gets Thumbs Up

RESTON, VA -- The first in a series of digital data exchange international standards has been approved by the International Organization for Standardization

FFTA Targets Better Box Print

"There are major changes in store for the flexographic corrugated industry [this year] and beyond." That's according to the Foundation of the Flexographic Technical Assn. (FFTA), and that's what members are going to be discussing at an FFTA corrugated/preprint session, which is slated for May 7, 2002, in Washington D.C.

Difficult Jobs? Combo Printing Can Tighten Screwy Requests

Combination presses can be a tool for converters to help them minimize problems, downtime, and waste for difficult package printing jobs.

Envelopes Extraordinaire

New equipment, including DuPont's Cyrel Fast technology and a Barco digital imager, have moved Atlantic Envelope's Exton plant into the realm of extraordinary.

GAA Calls for Entries for Annual Golden Cylinder Competition for Gravure Printers

Gravure Association of America (GAA) members (and even those of you non-members) only have until mid-February to submit your greastest gravure for 2001. "[We] conduct the Annual Golden Cylinder award competition to promote the gravure process and to provide peer recognition for technical achievements," says GAA.

ICC Review to Affect Color Software

The International Color Consortium (ICC) has announced that a major revision to the ICC specification is available for review and comment.

Summer in the City: Sheetfed Conference Slated for June in Chicago

GATF and NAPL's 10th Annual Sheetfed Pressroom conference will feature printing experts from across the country, addressing mission critical issues, says conference sponsors, the Graphic Art Technical Foundation (GATF) and National Association for Printing Leadership (NAPL).

Creo Invests Millions in printCafe

Creo Products Inc. reports it has invested $23.6 million (US) in printCafe, Inc., as part of a $39.6 million private placement of equity and debt.

Money-to-Be-Made: Gravure Tips Round Out GAA Annual Pressroom Conference

Gravure printers will want to check out the Gravure Association of America's annual Pressroom Conference in a few weeks—and the GAA is taking steps to make it easier for you.

Mark Andy/Comco Flexo Feast Feeds Minds of Converting Industry

From maximizing technical and technological developments to tips on how to expand service offerings, the Mark Andy/Comco two-day educational seminar provided converters and industry professionals a veritable feast of information and ideas for their operations.

Dealing with Ink Adhesion on High-Slip Films

One of the most common problems with printing high-slip films is poor ink adhesion. Such films have low surface energies, and the levels of slip additives

The Future of Package Printing

Packaging must answer to many masters, including product manufacturers, retail outlets, consumers, and government agencies. As such, it is constantly

Agfa Xcalibur: Jewel in Converter's Crown

The Xcalibur VLF "breakthrough" system reportedly brings new simplicity and quality to the demands of package printers, says its manufacturer, Agfa. And one of Agfa's customers, Superior Lithographics—a 15-year-old, Los Angeles, California-based operation—is quick to agree. The package-printing plant reports the Xcalibur CTP (computer-to-plate) system has been a jewel in its production crown.

CIP4 Releases JDF Developer ToolKit

ZÜRICH, SWITZERLAND -- CIP4 (Intl. Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press, and Postpress) annnounced today the public release

Sun Chemical HD Plates

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