AIMCAL Announces Management Meeting
- Published: February 10, 2016
FORT MILL, SC | The Assn. of International Metallizers, Coaters And Laminators (AIMCAL) reports details of the 2016 Management Meeting, scheduled for March 20–23 at the Omni La Costa Resort, Carlsbad, CA.
The members-only meeting brings together top professionals in the industry for three days of informative presentations and valuable business networking opportunities. AIMCAL says the meeting combines strong industry programming with a relaxed, informal atmosphere for renewing old relationships and making new ones.

Conference highlights:
- Engaging Presentations—By experts in leadership, business, and economics.
- AIMCAL Awards—Recognizing the best products and technologies in the Industry.
- Networking Opportunities—Designated meals and receptions included in registration fee.
- Expert Participants—Opportunities to speak with some of the top technical professionals in the industry on your particular areas of interest.
- Optional Activities—Including a Scramble Golf Tournament and other events designed for networking and fun.
- Spouse Program—Including tours, shopping, spas, and other outings.
- Beautiful Location—Experience the beauty of Carlsbad.
- Culture Trumps Everything—Gustavo Grodnitzky, speaker, author, consultant, and psychologist
- Leading Across Cultures—Michael Gates
Dr. Robert Fry
- The Mindset of a Leader—Scott Hunter, consultant and coach, addresses the fine art of leadership and how to create a working environment that nurtures and supports people to be creative, productive, and profitable.
- Economic Forecast for the Converting Industry—Dr. Robert Fry, chief economist of Robert Fry Economics, will provide a look at the global economic trends that impact our individual converting businesses, combining real-time data with projections of trends and their economic impact.
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