
Digital Magazine

Quality Controlled Music Packaging

The music packaging industry continues to debate digital file format merits but globally agrees on the importance of preflighting for quality control.


1920s and 1930s 1940s 1960s 1970 - 1973 1974 - 1976 1977 - 1979 1980s 1990 - April 1993 May 1993 - 1994 1995 - 19992000 to present The 1950s...Known as

New Products and Structures Propel Growth of Nonwovens

As a working woman, I love convenience as much as anyone. I've discovered dusting cloths complete with furniture polish, floor mops saturated with cleansers, and skin wipes that leave a nice, powdery residue. They're fast, they're fun, and I think they're fantastic.

Foiling Counterfeiters

With hologram use becoming commonplace, manufacturers turn to OVDs for a higher level of security protection.

DOVIDs: Functional Beauty

Through a combination of overt and covert means, diffractive optically variable image devices (DOVIDs) offer a high level of security at a reasonable cost—and look good while doing it.

Flex-Pack Giant Bemis to Buy DuPont Shrink Film Biz

DuPont reports it has reached an agreement to sell its global Clysar shrink film business and manufacturing assets to Bemis Company, Inc.

Flex-Pack Faces Up to Global Competition

In the $30 billion world market for consumer flexible packaging, the internationalization of packaging substrate suppliers is taken for granted, as is

FPA Honors Both Flexible & Flashy

The Flexible Packaging Association honors innovation and technical excellence in its annual flexible packaging award competition.

Reclosability & Flex-Packs

Advances in closure technology are expanding the definition of flexible.

Russian Flex-Pack Markets Holds Potential

With many problems still to overcome, the flexible packaging industry in The Russian Federation shows definite signs of life.

Many New Players Join India's Flex-Pack Boom

With a growth rate of 25%-30%, an expanding consumer base, and more than 1 billion inhabitants, India has one of the most rapidly expanding flexible packaging

Electron Beam Curing in Flexible Packaging

Application: Recent advances in electron beam curing chemistry and equipment encourage the increased use of this type of material in flexible packaging applications.

All Zipped Up: Hard-to-Beat Valley Packaging Tackles New Zipper Technology

Valley Packaging's investment in Hudson-Sharp's patented Inno-Lok technology is helping the contract converting operation win big in the zippered-packaging game.

Trends in Flexible Packaging Markets: Two Different Views

The Flexible Packaging Assn. (FPA) has put out its projection of the top five flex-pack markets in the next five years (2000-2005). I must differ with

High Clarity Linear Low Density Polyethylene for Packaging Applications

Application: A new polyethylene combines good stiffness, clarity, and toughness for demanding applications.

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