
Digital Magazine

The Mettle of Metallizers

Published back in 1997, The Wiley Encyclopedia of Packaging Technology, 2nd ed., stated: The field of vacuum metallizing serving the packaging industry

A Secure Alternative

Micro-optic films have been developed to respond to the ever-diminshing security provided by holograms and DOVIDs.

Bio Break Down

Technological breakthroughs in biodegradable flex-pack products have created a very real competition with their non-biodegradable counterparts.

Novel Method for Testing the Grease Resistance of Plastic-Based Dry Pet Food Packaging

Dry pet food packaging needing high resistance to staining from or migration of fat content requires rapid and reliable standardized tests for development and quality control purposes. New tests show high reproducibility and good correlation with field performance.

Paxar Announces Immediate Availability of RFID Implementation Kit for Wal-Mart Suppliers

A member of EPCglobal, the agency managing the emerging standards for RFID, Paxar is a supplier of products that identify and track consumer products worldwide. (paxar.com)

The Family Breadwinner

AIMCAL recognizes winners of its annual competition for opening new markets and for technological superiority.

Patent Pending

Technology and innovation earn high honors in the Flexible Packaging Association's flex-pack competition.

Selling Quality

A Schiavi gearless press adds its capabilities to Seville Packaging's flex-pack operations.

Success Personified

With smart investing, including Ro-An bagmaking equipment, Packaging Personified Inc. is turning dreams into reality.

Data Sharing Made Simple

Wisconsin Film & Bag goes live with a customer relationship-management system to provide sales reps with current, shared data.

Migration of Fluorescent Whitening Agents from Food Packaging Made from Recycled Paper

Application: A polyethylene coating can prevent migration of fluorescent whitening agents from food packaging made from recycled fibers.

Converted Flexible Packaging Demand to Expand and Reach 6.8 Billion lbs. in 2008

Freedonia Group reports, as a result of continued new product introductions, customer convenience, and trends toward healthier eating patterns in the US, snack and produce markets will provide the best growth prospects for flexible packaging converters. (freedoniagroup.com)

TAPPI Offers New Product

Beginning in March 2004, TAPPI will offer a new product for companies and individuals who use the TAPPI Test Methods and Technical Information Papers (TIPS).

A Pharma Focus

G&A Printers carves outs its niche by specializing in the needs of the pharmaceutical industry.

The PLACE Division of TAPPI Announces Film and Extrusion Coating Short Course

The PLACE Division of TAPPI has announced a short course entitled: 2004 PLACE Film and Extrusion Coating Short Course. It will be April 19-21, 2004, at the Millennium Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri.

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