
Digital Magazine

KM Packaging's K Steam Film Improves Shelf Life

Ideally suited for microwave steam cooking

Swanline Offers Self-Adhesive Vinyl

Cygnus Gecko vinyl reportedly can be easily removed and reapplied many times

Tekni-Plex Reports Investment in China

A new $15 million facility in China will produce pharmaceutical and medical devices in the company’s Natvar, Colorite, and Action Technology units

American Licorice Chooses Constantia Spear Seal Technology

Provides convenient re-sealable packaging for Red Vines products

Cosmo Films Upgrades Anti-Fog Film

Company says new version has use in wider applications and offer many benefits

CPI Says UK Paper Mills Beat Energy Targets

The UK papermaking sector beats its Climate Change Agreements target for 2015–16

Blown Film | Which Applications Are Most Suited for 7/9/11 Layers? Part 2

In Part 2 of this three-part series, polymer processing expert Tom Bezigian explains the advantages of one- and three-layer lines.

Toray Offers Film Testing Services

Lab analysis for films, laminations, and finished structures reportedly helps customers with strategic planning

Package Concepts and Materials Expanding

The company says the expansion, which includes a seven-ply extrusion system, will increase production

Innovia Films Launches BOPP Film

Propafilm REF coextruded BOPP film reportedly offers high speeds and a wide sealing range

Breit Announces Textured Finishes

The finishes, which use company’s Cast & Cure technology, can be used with narrow, wide, or sheet-fed machines

Drytac Film Suited for Advertising Graphics

SpotOn Floor 200 printable film can be applied to many surfaces for short-term advertising uses

Toray Helps URI with New Engineering Complex

Toray Plastics (America), a major financial contributor to the Univ. of Rhode Island’s new engineering complex, joined officials for the groundbreaking

PCMC Sells Wrapper to Sun Paper

The XF800 wrapper, with continuous flow technology, reportedly offers a simpler operating system and increased flexibility for Sun Paper

Freedonia Study Looks at Barrier Films

The report says oxygen and other gas barrier films market will grow more than 4% annually, and looks at trends and applications

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