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By now, we are all aware of the impact COVID-19 has had on nearly every aspect of daily life.

Washboarding. It sounds like a torture technique, but that water-boarding.

Association of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators

Control static to prevent sparks where the printed web exits the central impression drum.

It is no doubt that packaging plays a vital role in our lives and modern society.

At my company, we get asked a lot if dry ice can be used for roll cleaning.

The COVID-19 outbreak continues to pose unprecedented challenges to businesses across the globe, and these companies are indeed reacting to ensure new demands and production expectations are met.

Flexible packaging is one of the most diverse industries in the world with products that are used every day, by millions of people

The coronavirus outbreak has revealed a critical need for our industry.

Public must be correctly informed of the safety of food containers

With increased concerns about the environment, consumers are now pushing brands to use sustainable practices more than ever.

Best Practices for Continuous Improvement in the Labeling Process

Imagine you buy yourself a brand-new sports car. After months of doing your research on the different models that the industry has to offer, you settle on your dream car.

Originally published in Paper, Film and Foil Converter in July 1966

With the world becoming more environmentally conscientious, consumers are focusing more than ever on the products they’re purchasing